J-1 Visa Programs
Global Programs
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J-1 Participant's Pre-Arrival Acknowledgement

Participant Name:                                                                            Host Organization:

International Educational Exchange, Inc.is dedicated to increasing international understanding and cooperation through meaningful training and internship programs and cultural experiences sponsored by IEE Inc.. In order to monitor your training progress and welfare, and to ensure the continued quality of our training and intern programs, IEE Inc. conducts periodic program evaluations. The information collected will be used to assess the quality of your program and to improve the programs and services offered to IEE Inc’s. participants. All trainees and interns are required to participate in the evaluation process. If you have any questions regarding evaluations, evaluation forms, or program requirements, contact your visa sponsor, IEE Inc. 

I certify that I have received the Program Welcome Packet, which includes the following: 
•  J-1 Program Handbook 
• Health Insurance Information 
• United States Department of State Exchange Visitor Welcome Brochure 
•  IEE Orientation explaining the rules governing the program, as per Exchange Visitor Program Regulations (22 CFR Part 62).

I certify that I have access to a copy of my signed training plan, which includes a written summary of the training objectives and all significant components of my program, a description of my expected living expenses and a statement of the stipend, if any, I am to be paid during my participation.

I certify that I have read the J-1 Program Handbook, which contains information on the following: 
• The purpose of the J-1 Exchange Visitor Program 
• A description of the  J-1 Program 
• Instructions for travel and entry into the United States 
• Instructions for locating and securing housing (If not pre-identified by your host organization)
• Expected living expenses and other costs I will likely incur during my program 
• Life and customs in the United States 
• How to access Local Community resources and public services 
• Available healthcare, emergency assistance, and insurance coverage 
• Safety information
• Rules and guidelines that I am expected to follow while participating in the J-1 Program sponsored by my visa sponsor, IEE, Inc. 
• Address and Emergency contact information for my visa sponsor, IEE Inc. (to be used for ANY and ALL issues related to your exchange visitor program).
• Address and telephone number of Exchange Visitor Program Services of the United States Department of State.

I certify that I understand and agree to the following: 
• I am subject to all of the laws of the United States as well as the State where I am residing during my training.  Additionally, I am responsible for following all rules and policies of  my host company, and all policies of  my visa sponsor, IEE Inc. as described in my  J-1 Program Handbook.
• I must remain with the same host company through the duration of my program.  I understand that I may not leave my host company or transfer to another host organization without prior express written permission of my visa sponsor, IEE.  Failure to do so will result in immediate termination of my program and I will have to return to my home country immediately.   Additionally, I may not accept any secondary employment while participating in this program.
• I am responsible for informing IEE Inc. of my physical residential address within 3 days of my arrival to the United States.  Additionally, I acknowledge that if my physical living address changes, I must inform IEE within 3 business days.

By submitting this form, I am acknowledging that I have been provided with the above information, that I have read and understand what has been provided to me to support my program while in the United States and that I will abide by all program regulations.